Big Bags Customization


In addition to the usual seams, as an alternative depending on the application, MANICARDI® BIG BAGS can be equipped with special devices that are the result of 40 years of experience in the:

dust-proof field printing field liner
big bags sewing with double dust-proof cord
sewing with double dust-proof cord


MANICARDI® BIG BAGS can be customized by printing the client logo up to 4 colours on 4 sides.

big bags customized by printing the client logo

From 40 mm to 250 mm
sewing with triple dust-proof cord
sewing with triple dust-proof cord
Preformed or tubular
T.N.T. dust-proof
T.N.T. dust-proof sewing
Sewn or glued on 4 sides
dust-proof sewing with TNT combined with double cord
dust-proof sewing with TNT combined with double cord
Barrier liner in conductive or antistatic aluminiumPERFORMANCE
Barrier liner in conductive or antistatic aluminium